The Farmington R-7 School District is thrilled to announce that the FHS JROTC Cadets have been awarded the Outstanding Organization Award for the Academic Year 2023-2024. This remarkable achievement marks the first time since the 2017-2018 school year that our JROTC unit has received such a distinguished honor.

Under the guidance of Capt. Glenn W. Harrison, USAF (Ret), and SMSgt Carrie K. Hinson, USAF (Ret), our Cadets, have demonstrated exceptional dedication and commitment. The Cadets had to meet rigorous criteria to qualify for this prestigious award, which showcases their leadership and organizational skills.

Criteria for the Award:

  • Viability: Over 100 Cadets were enrolled in the JROTC at the beginning of the year, a testament to successful recruiting efforts.

  • Meeting Air Force Suspenses: Cadets developed goals, tracked progress, reported on their activities, and submitted scholarship applications in a timely manner. Meeting these deadlines is critical, as even one late submission would disqualify the unit.

  • Community Service: On average, each Cadet completed over 8 hours of community service, reflecting their dedication to giving back to the community.

Capt. Harrison expressed immense pride in the Cadets' hard work and achievements. "I am extremely proud of our Cadets' hard work and am very pleased to be able to recognize their accomplishments. Our Cadets will be able to wear an additional ribbon on their blues uniform, which is always exciting for them," he said.

This award is a significant milestone for the Farmington High School JROTC program, highlighting the exemplary performance and commitment of our Cadets. We congratulate them on this outstanding achievement and look forward to their continued success.